Well, it is official! SASMC's Author has finally done it. On Friday, February 9th, YNC(SS) Anthony Stewart, United States Navy retired from Naval Service and shifted to Tony Stewart, Retired Navy Chief! At the urging of a few friends, the transcript of my retirement speech is posted here. It was an emotional day, but an inspiring day of friendship, comraderie, pride, and a tremendous amount of brotherly love. The ceremony was held at the USS Roncador (SS-301) Memorial at Naval Submarine Base Point Loma. Family, Friends, and Shipmates from all parts of the country in attendance. The following was the remarks:
"Commander Schwalm, Commander Wilson, crew of the USS HELENA and Submarine Squadron ELEVEN, family, and friends
Commander Schwalm and Nate, thank you for you kind words today!
Well… here we are … you and me…
You know I have been a part of many retirements in my 20 year career. From being a member of the color guard to flag passer to sideboy to guest speaker and, of course, admin support for most of them. I would be kidding myself and you to say that those occasions prepared me for today’s ceremony. In the past few days as well as today, I have come to terms with so many emotions, reflections on the past, and wrestled with this thick layer of doubt that always questions whether or not I have really completed my mission here. Have I done all that I could do.
You know, most of us walk through life with some sort of blinders on related to certain things here and there, but usually the one thing that we each know is ourself. I have learned of myself that I will always have a part of me that feels that the mission could have been done a little better, I could’ve helped someone out a little more, or maybe there was just one more stone left unturned.
In this past year, I have went through some medical setbacks, including a surgical procedure and recovered. Knowing of my retirement, I have been blessed over the last 6 to 8 months with kind words from many of my fellow yeoman and chiefs as well as other shipmates from my past. It is through the pride I feel when I see the men that they are or have become that truly gives me hope and a satisfaction beyond words.
I stand here with a little more clarity knowing I don’t have to be here to complete the mission. A clarity that I wish to share. You see, the mission didn’t start with you and me and the mission won’t end with us either. The mission began way before I was ever here. The mission began with men like my father who showed me right from wrong so that I could pass that on to other men and women in my care. The mission began with men and women who served long before i was even brought into this world by my mother in their struggles and convictions to peace and the vision of a greater world. The mission began long before me and will go on long after I depart today, long after you depart tomorrow. So what’s is it all about. The real mission to me is service above self. Since 1990, I have adopted the same mantra that I have tried to live by. My guys all know it well:
“You can have everything you want in life, as long as you are willing to help enough other people get what they want.”
Today, it might look like it is my turn, but you know the way I see it today it is our turn. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for people like each and every one of you here and many more. And the cycle continues. For this brief moment where you have blessed me, I say thank you!
At this time I would like to recognize a few individuals:
To Commander Schwalm. Thank you for your kind words and having this ceremony on my behalf.
To my friends Nate Shatto and Lieutenant Almond Smith. I thank both of you for your continuous support throughout my career.
The HELENA Chiefs Quarters. your unified strength and support were invaluable to me and have given some fond memories to cherish forever.
The Submarine Squadron ELEVEN Staff, especially my friends in admin. You allowed me to still contribute even during a time when medical setbacks had run me down to parade rest. Because of you, I have recovered and will leave the navy with a clean bill of health.
To all the extremely talented yeoman that I have had the pleasure of serving with these years. Some of which are here today: Yeoman Chief Stephen Sauer, Yeoman First Class Michael Smith, Yeoman Second Class James Barnes, Yeoman Second Class Dusty McCue, Yeoman Third Class Joe Hyde. As well as the many others who have contacted throughout these past weeks.
My Drug and Alcohol Counseling family. Thank you for showing me that a navy leader can still lead with unswerving compassion, a powerful knowledge of the human condition, and a drive to help!
My Uncle Woody Becker and Aunt Cheryl who traveled from San Francisco to share this day with me. Woody served onboard the USS RANGER and USS INTREPID. Woody, I thank you for your service. Yesterday I gave him a print of the USS SAN FRANCISCO so that he can take back a little submarine pride with him when he returns to San Francisco.
To my parents, Wade and Nancy Lockhart, who traveled from Oberlin, Kansas to be with us today. I am the man I am by the grace of their unshakeable dedication and unconditional understanding. Today I would like to present you both with these tokens of your commitment to me.
Mom. Please accept this crystal plaque entitled “Thank you, Mom!” And these flowers. Thank you for always being there for me!
Dad. For those of you who don’t know, my dad is a police officer. Please present my father his gift. The gift is a statue of a police officer. The inscription reads: To Wade Lockhart upon the navy retirement of his son YNC(SS) Anthony Stewart, Thank you for leading the way!
To my daughters, Zaia and Shana who are here today. My daughter, Amber who wasn’t able to make the trip but is with us in spirit. I thank you for giving me a family built on true love, care, and understanding. I love you girls!
My daughter, Kristine, who is the person who has been there through it all and whose heart strings have always been just long enough and strong enough to let me stay navy and serve my country with a bountiful port of love to always return to! I love you, baby!
My wife, Teri. Thank you for being my anchor. For showing me true, unconditional love, a caring fire, and a spirit that inspires me each and every day. I look forward to our next chapter together.
In closing, I appreciate you being with me today.
"Commander Schwalm, Commander Wilson, crew of the USS HELENA and Submarine Squadron ELEVEN, family, and friends
Commander Schwalm and Nate, thank you for you kind words today!
Well… here we are … you and me…
You know I have been a part of many retirements in my 20 year career. From being a member of the color guard to flag passer to sideboy to guest speaker and, of course, admin support for most of them. I would be kidding myself and you to say that those occasions prepared me for today’s ceremony. In the past few days as well as today, I have come to terms with so many emotions, reflections on the past, and wrestled with this thick layer of doubt that always questions whether or not I have really completed my mission here. Have I done all that I could do.
You know, most of us walk through life with some sort of blinders on related to certain things here and there, but usually the one thing that we each know is ourself. I have learned of myself that I will always have a part of me that feels that the mission could have been done a little better, I could’ve helped someone out a little more, or maybe there was just one more stone left unturned.

In this past year, I have went through some medical setbacks, including a surgical procedure and recovered. Knowing of my retirement, I have been blessed over the last 6 to 8 months with kind words from many of my fellow yeoman and chiefs as well as other shipmates from my past. It is through the pride I feel when I see the men that they are or have become that truly gives me hope and a satisfaction beyond words.
I stand here with a little more clarity knowing I don’t have to be here to complete the mission. A clarity that I wish to share. You see, the mission didn’t start with you and me and the mission won’t end with us either. The mission began way before I was ever here. The mission began with men like my father who showed me right from wrong so that I could pass that on to other men and women in my care. The mission began with men and women who served long before i was even brought into this world by my mother in their struggles and convictions to peace and the vision of a greater world. The mission began long before me and will go on long after I depart today, long after you depart tomorrow. So what’s is it all about. The real mission to me is service above self. Since 1990, I have adopted the same mantra that I have tried to live by. My guys all know it well:
“You can have everything you want in life, as long as you are willing to help enough other people get what they want.”
Today, it might look like it is my turn, but you know the way I see it today it is our turn. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for people like each and every one of you here and many more. And the cycle continues. For this brief moment where you have blessed me, I say thank you!
At this time I would like to recognize a few individuals:
To Commander Schwalm. Thank you for your kind words and having this ceremony on my behalf.
To my friends Nate Shatto and Lieutenant Almond Smith. I thank both of you for your continuous support throughout my career.
The HELENA Chiefs Quarters. your unified strength and support were invaluable to me and have given some fond memories to cherish forever.
The Submarine Squadron ELEVEN Staff, especially my friends in admin. You allowed me to still contribute even during a time when medical setbacks had run me down to parade rest. Because of you, I have recovered and will leave the navy with a clean bill of health.
To all the extremely talented yeoman that I have had the pleasure of serving with these years. Some of which are here today: Yeoman Chief Stephen Sauer, Yeoman First Class Michael Smith, Yeoman Second Class James Barnes, Yeoman Second Class Dusty McCue, Yeoman Third Class Joe Hyde. As well as the many others who have contacted throughout these past weeks.
My Drug and Alcohol Counseling family. Thank you for showing me that a navy leader can still lead with unswerving compassion, a powerful knowledge of the human condition, and a drive to help!
My Uncle Woody Becker and Aunt Cheryl who traveled from San Francisco to share this day with me. Woody served onboard the USS RANGER and USS INTREPID. Woody, I thank you for your service. Yesterday I gave him a print of the USS SAN FRANCISCO so that he can take back a little submarine pride with him when he returns to San Francisco.
To my parents, Wade and Nancy Lockhart, who traveled from Oberlin, Kansas to be with us today. I am the man I am by the grace of their unshakeable dedication and unconditional understanding. Today I would like to present you both with these tokens of your commitment to me.
Mom. Please accept this crystal plaque entitled “Thank you, Mom!” And these flowers. Thank you for always being there for me!
Dad. For those of you who don’t know, my dad is a police officer. Please present my father his gift. The gift is a statue of a police officer. The inscription reads: To Wade Lockhart upon the navy retirement of his son YNC(SS) Anthony Stewart, Thank you for leading the way!
To my daughters, Zaia and Shana who are here today. My daughter, Amber who wasn’t able to make the trip but is with us in spirit. I thank you for giving me a family built on true love, care, and understanding. I love you girls!
My daughter, Kristine, who is the person who has been there through it all and whose heart strings have always been just long enough and strong enough to let me stay navy and serve my country with a bountiful port of love to always return to! I love you, baby!
My wife, Teri. Thank you for being my anchor. For showing me true, unconditional love, a caring fire, and a spirit that inspires me each and every day. I look forward to our next chapter together.
In closing, I appreciate you being with me today.
Today, I look to you to continue the mission.
Through you, the mission goes on.
Through you, the mission remains, Service Above Self!
Thank you!"
1 comment:
Hey fellow shipmate. Just crusing the net to look you up and found that you had crossed into the retired Navy world. I must say to you, "Welcome, shipmate". I still haven't gotten my web page/site up regarding horses; since you are retired now...maybe I can get your assistance. My love for horses and tn walkers continues despite moving to Pensacola, FL. My kids have been in and out of my life..and its nice to see them be successful in their own way. I do plan on coming back out to San Diego for a visit soon. San Diego, CA has a piece of my heart, mind, and soul...what a fun place to be. I wish for you continued success with your blogs, site, and endeavors..whatever they may be. I'm glad to hear that things are going well with your wife, family, and kids. Continue on shipmate.
HM1 retired Holly Gray...email oceans66@hotmail.com
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