The information appears to grow daily and varies from online computer classes to library collections of audiobooks, music, e-books, congressional reports, and so much more.
There is the latest health news including alerts and ways to research concerns. There is legal information including downloadable forms and data to use as well as helpful links. There is information about job hunting, transition assistance, veterans organizations, financial services, counseling services, personal and professional growth services, and many more. For some people it is information overload and for others it is the new frontier. No matter what your take is on it, it is information that saves you money, time, and is always available.
I can at least vouch for the Navy and say that if a Navy servicemember (as well as Marine Corps and Coast Guard personnel) doesn't know what is available to them on the "Navy Knowledge Online (NKO)" website, they must be living under a rock or just haven't reached that point in their life where they are investing in their future.
I know that the Army has the same system under the umbrella of "Army Knowledge Online (AKO)" and it is available to retirees. However, the Air Force version, the "AF Portal" reports the following, "Currently, the AF Portal team is focused on delivering capabilities to the military, civil service community and base support contractors. In the long term, the AF Portal will support the entire AF community: Active Duty, Reserve, Air National Guard, civil servants, retirees, dependents, and our support contractors. As we evolve the AF Portal we intend to offer capabilities to our retired and dependent communities such as quality of life information and self-service personnel and financial applications. Please stay tuned to the AF Portal and the AF Link public website over the next year for more information on AF Portal registration for retirees and dependents." It is just a matter of time before they too will be onboard and offering the same services.
To help "corrall" some of the resources within the website that I am able to access from my Navy affiliation, I have created a "Personal Community" within Navy Knowledge Online and will continue to build with references related to veterans that are able to access it. I was talking to another friend of mine about this and he asked me, "Why don't you just create a NEW website that everyone can access with all the information." Well, the information for NKO, AKO, and all the others is a combination of the efforts of hundreds of people and hundreds more contracted agencies who are experts in the field of information that they provide. I do not claim to be an expert of all that I come across. So, I will that to the professionals. However, there is no reason why I can't do what I can to help bring the information to a more collective section
So, if this is new information to you, here is some helpful links for you to begin your quest:
- Navy Knowledge Online (
- Army Knowledge Online (
- Air Force Portal (
- Marine Corps - authorized to use Navy Knowledge Online (see above)
- U.S. Coast Guard - authorized to Navy Knowledge Online (above) as well.
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