Sound familiar? Well, if that is not how you see things, then there is probably someone close to you that does.
Let's face it! There are people with many times more at their disposal than others, yet they consider themselves unhappy "victims" because they lack the "more" things that they desire. While the content with many times less look for ways to improve the world around them. Why is that? Service Above Self. I would rather be content, than to consider myself a victim anyday.
There are others that make it through life by taking all that they can from every direction that they can find offering something regardless of whether they need it or not or whether it is meant for them. Doing so, without the positive pursuit of self-improvement to do what they can on their own to make things better for themselves. And, all the while, doing so without the slightest notion of sharing with the less fortunate when their situation improves. However, there are those, who despite the appearance of bleak moments in time, realize that only through a collective effort can true rosperity be gained. Sort of like, I can prosper through your prosperity and you through mine. Giving begets giving. Service Above Self.
How many times have you heard of a person or family stricken by an illness or a disaster who received an outcry of support from friends, loved ones, and volunteers. What one thing do you generally hear about within the character of the person receiving the support (not the supporters themselves)? They are generally caring people who had supported others before them prior to their unfortunate condition and probably will continue to do so after they get back on their feet. That's the circle of Service Above Self.
So, start the circle here and let's share those things that might improve our lives together on this planet. Service Above Self.
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